31 December 2014

48 – Make Yourself Forever

Two things inspired this essay: 1) recent conversations with my uncle, Ross, and 2) George Harrison.

11 November 2014

47 – They Were The Super Heroes

Today is November 11th. Today lots of people in different countries will pay tribute to men and women who did military service in times of war. And that got me thinking about why we should remember them. So I decided to write about that.

4 November 2014

46 – Don’t Forget To Be Human

The idea for this essay was born several years ago.

I went off for a hike along the shore of a local beach on a lovely Sunday morning. Early Fall. The kind that reminds you nobody and nothing can age gracefully like Nature.

25 October 2014

45 – Age Like Wine

It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been distracted in my spare time by activities that start with the letter W. What can I say? I like activities that start with the letter W. That, and I don’t believe in boredom.

18 September 2014

44 – Doing Matters Most

Last summer I wrote about why how you do things matter. This essay is simply about why doing matters. We’ll call it a sequel.

7 September 2014

43 – Find Your Peace

A short while ago I wrote about why you’ll always be finding yourself. But you’re not the only thing you need to find in life.

4 August 2014

41 – The Job That Lasts A Lifetime

During the last days of a failing relationship, an Older Sister to my Then-Girlfriend tried to help me understand what was going on. I heard her out.

17 July 2014

39 – Choosing to Choose Less

Two things happened on Saturday morning that inspired this essay. First, I went into town for groceries. Second, I learned that Lebron James decided to take his talents back home.

Those two things got me thinking about decisions. Big ones, small ones, and ones that don’t matter. So I decided to write an essay about that.

13 July 2014

38 – Disregard The Last Post Now

I've finished all the maintenance and revamping I wanted to do to The House Newf. Actually, I just got tired of reformatting. Fuck it. I don’t care. It’s good enough now. 

6 July 2014

37 – Closed for Maintenance

The House Newf is going through some general maintenance and minor revamping today. All content (save for this short post) is down until that’s done.

1 July 2014

36 – Happiness Is A New Essay (That’s Not Posted Here)

What kind of jackass announces a new essay and then doesn’t publish it on his website?

The kind of jackass who decides to publish it on Medium instead.

23 June 2014

35 – The Difference A Year Makes

I started writing The House Newf just over a year ago. I’m very happy that one year later I’m still doing it.

18 June 2014

34 – Doing Without Is Giving Yourself What You Need

I’m several days into a new clean eating routine. By clean I mean no ‘fake food.’ No frozen processed dinners, refined sugars or grains, or fast food. Just clean, whole foods like fruit, vegetables, lean meat, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and some other healthy stuff.

As part of this routine I was preparing some sliced orange and kiwi for breakfast the other morning. As I cut up the fruit a thought struck me. Thankfully nothing else did. A thought’s enough for me first thing in the morning. 

14 May 2014

33 – The Things You Need To Tell Yourself

You get asked to take stock of yourself and your life every so often. I don’t know who or what’s doing the asking. Fate. The universe. Our subconscious. God. But you hear it, even if it doesn’t register with your ears. You can feel it in some part of your being that I have no words for. But I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Being asked to take stock of ourselves is a big task. It can be unsavoury and a little intimidating. Scary even.

20 February 2014

32 – The Time To Move On

I was nineteen the first time I broke up with somebody. I didn’t break up with a girlfriend however. I ‘broke up’ with my best friend, a boy who’d grown up on the same street as me.

I felt like I was doing the right thing. I thought I was doing it the right way. And I thought that I could simply move on. I was wrong.

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