26 October 2017

82 – End with a Beginning . . . or Two

This is the final House Newf post.

Some roads you must walk alone. Others are best travelled in good company. And some journeys require a brother with whom you share a connection that’s thicker than blood.

For some truths can only be dug out with the help of a gun.

Consider this final post two things: 1) a preview of searches to come, and 2) a new beginning.

That may seem a lot of things for a final thing to be. But what odds. There's no Law stating otherwise. 

*** *** ***

We are but a drop of blood in a dream, to paint our masterpiece.

We are but an ounce of flesh in our mind, to carry those dreams.

And we are but a word on the lips as they breathe to life.

We are the flowers that bloom in the morning's new light,

Stars with eyes to wonder at endless galaxies above,

Snowflakes that feed every rushing stream,

Life begins in the water,

And travels on the light of the stars,

Stars which have died and reborn again before man's eye may gaze.

Winds that carry and strip the seasons bare with tempest oceans that quiet and rage.

Light that holds all life in its warm embrace and radiates in a raindrop.

Time has no place here. It will be gone before it came. Died and reborn before man's eye may gaze.

Time and light:

Two constants bound by an eternal fate,

To guide others home,

With no hope of finding a home of their own.

Immortal wanderers,

Twin compasses for life.

Digger & The Gun

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